Greetings, we are 4KS Studios!

We are a team of innovative developers and creative artists whom are looking to set a new standard of quality entertainment in Minecraft!

We’re all a bunch of gamers at heart and we love to have fun! It’s time to get your game on in HD!

Join our community! We are always open to new members! If you want to apply for a partnership to publish your own content through us or are looking for commissioned work, then contacting us through Discord’s private messages is the best way to do so…

Join our community! We are always open to new members!

If you want to apply for a partnership to publish your own content through us or are looking for commissioned work, then contacting us through Discord’s private messages is the best way to do so. We are glad to have your interest!

Contact Us!

Found a bug? Want to ask a question? Let us know! We’re here to help!